Shopsy emerging as fastest-performing search engine: E-commerce is actually the business done through the Internet in the present era of modernization and technology. The rapidly growing usage of Internet is shifting the world towards the e-commerce. Phenomenal advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has not only brought a revolution in the lifestyles of the people but also in the business and marketing strategies of the people. Today, a company creates, maintains and optimizes business relations with consumers and other businesses using tools and practices involving Internet technologies. This is precisely e-commerce, which is an information technology trend developing fast…
Author: admin
A variety of opportunities are available for students after their GCE CAIE A Level and each leads to great experiences and life lessons. Many of these activities are not only fun to take up, but they also make an impressive impact on your resume. Internship/Freelancing Getting hands-on experience in your chosen field is just as important as learning the theory. Many well-known multinational corporations, such as Google and Amazon, also provide online internships, which is convenient if you are travelling. Furthermore, researching a local company or a startup of interest and applying for an internship is the best way to…
These are the are the Formulas for A Level Economics 9708. Go through them to be fully prepared.! Key Formulas in Micro-Economics The demand function captures the effect of all these factors on demand for a good. Demand function: QDx=f(Px,I,Py,…) … (Equation 1) Equation 1 is read as “the quantity demanded of Good X (QDX) depends on the price of Good X (PX), consumers’ incomes (I) and the price of Good Y (PY), etc.”Supply Function The supply function can be expressed as: Supply function: QSx=f(Px,W,…) Own price elasticity of demand The own-price elasticity of demand is calculated as: EDPx=%ΔQDx%ΔPx If…
Most of you have given your exams already. Continuing our trend our grade thresholds have been 90 to 100% accurate from previous exam sessions. So we are going to post “GCE CAIE June 2022, Expected Grade Thresholds for IGCSE, O Level, AS & A Level” subject wise. We shall update the blog on timely basis so stay tuned. Please note that the grade thresholds are of A grade. GCE June 2022 O Level EXPECTED Grade Thresholds. O level Pakistan Studies 2059 P1: 46 P2: 47 O level Islamiyat 2058 P1: 29 P2: 31 O level English Language 1123 P1: 45 P2:…
CAIE A Level Economics 9708 has always been a challenging subject. In order to ace your AS Level Economics P1 (MCQs) exam, we have some points and strategy which you can adopt to be fully prepared for your exam! The depletion of resources will shift the production possibility curve inwards. PPC curve represents the combination of output that an economy can produce with its given resources, so if resources reduces that means potentially to produce will reduce also, that’s why PPC shifts inward. A small market will prevent a firm gaining the maximum benefit from the division of labor. A…
These are all the small things which you should remember in O Level/IGCSE Accounting 7707/0452, in order to avoid mistakes in your exam. Financial Accounting You don’t need to confuse yourself with written down value or net book value, it simply comes after depreciation Assets, expenses and drawings have a debit balance, whereas all the other things will have a credit balance Sales invoice means that the goods are sold on CREDIT If bad debts are inside the trial balance then it means that the amount has already been deducted from trade receivables Also to note that provision for depreciation is…
We have compiled all the definitions and equations of AS Level Physics 9702. To get full handout click here. MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: Systematic Error: A constant or consistent error in measurement which may be attributed to a fault in the instrument or a consistent flaw in the measuring technique, and which cannot be eliminated by averaging. Random Error: An error of variable magnitude in which the readings are scattered about the true value. This type of error is due to limitations on the part of the observer or an inconsistency in measuring equipment. It can be eliminated by averaging Precision: The…
The pandemic is giving challenging situations to everyone from bread winners to students everyone has to make sacrifices. Among all these, the ones who suffered the most are the “under-graded students”. In England, 36% of entries had a lower grade than teachers predicted and 3% were down two grades, in results after exams were cancelled by the pandemic. At top priority, many students got their scholarships cancelled. Not everyone can afford expensive study thus they had struggled hard for these scholarships. A good number of students were already enrolled into reputable universities on basis of their past results but now…
These are chapter wise formula sheet for AS & A Level Business 9609. Go through the formula sheet to be fully prepared for your exam! CHAPTER 1: 1: Added Value = Selling Price – Cost of Raw Materials CHAPTER 3: 2: Market Share = Sales of business/Sales of Industry x 100 3: Market Capitalization= Current share price x total no of shares Issued CHAPTER 7: 4: Income Elasticity of Demand = % Change in Demand % Change…
This indeed is a moment when all of your future depends upon the choice you make. There is no room for experimentation, for you risk crushing your dreams to pieces if you take the wrong turn. On one hand, there is the undeniable quality education of A Level that will hand over to you an international degree, and on the other hand, there is the local education system where it’s easier to score marks, and perhaps even easier to adapt to certain higher studies that you will be pursuing afterwards. IS FSC HARDER THAN A LEVELS? There never is a…